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Biodiversity post-2010 - biodiversity in a changing world

Biodiversity post-2010 - biodiversity in a changing world - Conference under the Belgian EU presidency
Organized by: Flemish Region
In collaboration with: Brussels Capital Region, Walloon Region, Federal government and the European Commission
With support of: IUCN
Date: 8-9th September 2010
Venue: International Conference Centre, Ghent, Belgium
2010 is declared as the UN International Year on Biodiversity. This year is also a crucial moment for evaluating and renewing European and global targets for biodiversity to be adopted at the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in October 2010, in Nagoya (Japan).
The Belgian EU Presidency will organize a conference at EU-level to inform about the current state in biodiversity and ecosystem services, to exchange ideas on the challenges of biodiversity conservation in an urbanizing and changing world, to reflect on the proposed post-2010 vision and targets and to highlight options for implementation, and to bring a policy message to COP10. This high-level stakeholder conference will be a milestone in the development of an EU biodiversity policy strategy for the post-2010 period and strengthen its position in international negotiations on a global biodiversity framework.
The conference will focus on three thematic areas: (1) Biodiversity in an urbanizing Europe, (2) Ecosystem services - valuation of natural goods and services, (3) Vision and targets for biodiversity post-2010: implementation.
Expected participants: policy makers, government representatives, scientists, NGO representatives, representatives from the private sector, other relevant stakeholders.
For more information:
Contact person: pieter.decorte@lne.vlaanderen.be /

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