Study species
Work packages

WP 6: Dissemination and exploitation of results, knowledge transfer, and training

Dissemination and exploitation of results, knowledge transfer, and training

The results of CLIMIT will be disseminated in various ways depending on the needs of end users. The majority of deliverables will be designed as scientific papers to facilitate rapid knowledge exchange within the scientific community. Scientific results of CLIMIT will be translated to easily understandable forms (best practices, recommendations, guidelines) and published through popular science journals, newsletters and brochures. Beside the use of traditional media most CLIMIT outputs will be provided via open access. This includes the use of an online geographically referenced registration tool for the CLIMIT study systems, new open access scientific journals, and the accumulation of all relevant open access output in an online library.

Training will be offered through 2 two-days training courses for PhD students and Post Docs on methodology of research and on scenario modelling approaches. They will be organised in the first and second year. A forum and communication platform for PhD students and Post Docs will be established for continuous exchange.

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