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Work packages

WP 7: Coordination and science-policy interface

Coordination and science-policy interface

Main aim of the management is to guarantee a high level of integration and collaboration among project partners. Compared to other much larger consortia coordinated by the CLIMIT coordinator, management of - as well as integration and collaboration within - this project should be rather straight forward. While CLIMIT has a multidisciplinary composition it has very limited number of partners who – in different combinations - successfully worked together before. This makes the chosen innovative scientific approach also highly feasible in terms of sustainable cooperation and reduces the risk of failure. The CLIMIT – Project Coordination Committee is the central body responsible for the scientific operational coordination. It is in charge of the necessary decisions in coordinating and administrating the project. The CLIMIT – Project Office consists of the project management team which will guarantee adequate administrative and technical project controlling and take care of financial, budgetary, legal and administrative management matters.

A continual science-policy dialogue throughout the project duration will ensure a shortening of the period between publication of scientific results and their application in conservation practice. The different mechanisms that will be set-up include: (i) an advisory board of stakeholders who will attend all meetings of CLIMIT to provide input on the evolution of the project and inform CLIMIT scientists of important developments in the policy scene; (ii) invitation of additional stakeholders to meetings of CLIMIT as appropriate; (iii) regular participation in science-policy meetings and workshops organized by key organisations; (iv) presentation of CLIMIT results in targeted workshops, where stakeholders’ knowledge needs and knowledge emerging from the project will be discussed; (v) setting-up ad-hoc advisory groups of CLIMIT scientists to meet specific demands of policy-makers.

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